About us
About the office
As an IP hub creating the future with human wisdom
Our office supports client's global business from IP point of view. We collaborate with Wiggin and Dana LLP in the United States and specialize in IP support in the United States. In addition, we have a network of patent firms, patent brokers, and patent search companies around the world, including Chinese patent firms and German patent firms.
特許出願やライセンス契約、著作権関連などの和文・英文契約書の作成や各種コンサルを通して、大企業から スタートアップ企業までの知的財産実務をサポートし、地域文化と経済活性化に貢献します。
Handling business
Patent License
Negotiation Support
Based on nearly 20 years of experience at a general electronics manufacturer, we will create and conduct overall negotiation strategy/individual tactic construction, patent discussions, business negotiations, and contract drafting.
Patent Infringement Litigation Support
In cooperation with the US Wiggin and Dana LLP, we provide US litigation support (discovery, etc.). We carry out patent infringement lawsuits in cooperation with Japanese law firms.
Application-related work
We not only apply for patents and trademarks at the Japanese Patent Office, but also work with patent offices around the world to handle applications and intermediate procedures at each country's patent office.
IP Contract Drafting in
English / Japanese
We draft agreements in English and Japanese for intellectual property-related matters such as patent license agreements, joint development agreements, joint application agreements, technology transfer agreements, and patent transfer agreements.
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